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Creating and setting up custom Tenants for your Customers or Projects takes just a few clicks.
You will get complete information about each program we offer. There are several available options according to your needs.
We guarantee the security of all payments. You may choose the most suitable payment method.
You will get access to all available features immediately.
Invite people into your tenants by entering their e-mail address. Set which rights and roles this person will receive. If the person already has an account on Datacake, registration is no longer necessary. The user can select the tenant from a drop-down menu.
You and your end-user can create an unlimited amount of tenants.
Allow your Customers to Upload a Logo for their Tenants.
Invite your Users into Tenants by entering an E-Mail Address
Dynamically define the rights and roles of the members of your tenants.
Assign a PIN Code to your devices and share them between tenants.
If you have any questions about the multi-tenancy functionality or if you would like to have a live-demo of how this looks and feels like simply use the contact-form or Live-Chat on site here.