Formula 1 and Australian Open Hydration Gets Eco-Friendly: Wallop Water’s Environmental Success with Datacake

Wallop Water's use of Datacake at the Formula 1 Australian Grand Prix and other events has set a new benchmark for sustainable event hydration solutions. By integrating IoT technology, Wallop Water has not only enhanced its service delivery but also solidified its role as an environmental steward in the event industry, leading to improved client satisfaction, increased revenue, and a substantial positive environmental impact.

Datacake Chart

About Wallop Water.

Founded by Bruce Plant and Ryan Tait, Wallop Water has emerged as a leader in innovative hydration solutions, prioritizing sustainable practices and advanced technology. From its beginnings at community events to large-scale implementations like Formula 1 and The Tennis Australian Open, Wallop Water provides eco-friendly hydration stations designed to reduce waste and enhance user experience.


Overcoming Challenges with IoT Technology

Picture of the team behind Andrea Codini, CTO of Santagostino

Wallop Water's expansion into managing complex event setups needed a shift to IoT. By integrating IoT devices and monitoring them in Datacake, they were able to monitor water consumption, temperature, and system status in real-time. This ensured optimal performance and enabled immediate responses to any issues, significantly improving operational efficiency.
 With these monitoring activities, they could make calculations of the number of single-use plastic bottles saved, thereby enhancing the sustainability of their services and reinforcing their commitment to environmental responsibility.

The partnership with Datacake was pivotal in scaling Wallop Water’s operations. The process involved integrating IoT devices with Datacake's platform to facilitate data collection, visualization, and analysis. This allowed for precise management of a large fleet of hydration stations, ensuring flawless performance during critical events.


For six months, Wallop Water deployed their Event Trio units at Thredbo, situating five advanced hydration stations at the base of the summer BMX bike runs on Mt. Kosciuszko. These stations provided essential hydration to mountain bike riders, capturing and uploading data daily to the sustainability managers, ensuring continuous oversight and environmental impact tracking throughout the event.


Spotlight on Formula 1: A Game Changer


Wallop Water's implementation at the Formula 1 Australian Grand Prix showcased the power of their IoT solution. They equipped the entire Albert Park with hydration stations, integrating IoT devices not just in these stations but also across other facilities like catering tents and toilet blocks.
Over the course of the event, these stations collectively dispensed almost 104,000 liters of water, the equivalent of around 208,000 single-use plastic bottles. This significant reduction in plastic waste highlighted the environmental benefits of their systems. Furthermore, 67,000 liters of the total dispensed were directly used for hydration by nearly half a million attendees.


The devices monitored significant metrics, tracking an astonishing 42,000 liters of water in one toilet block alone. The data provided enabled Wallop Water and event organizers to perform detailed asset planning and management, greatly enhancing operational efficiency and environmental sustainability. This level of monitoring and data visualization was unprecedented at such events and demonstrated the transformative impact of Wallop Water’s IoT-enabled solutions.

“Our greatest success has been visualizing this data for our clients, empowering them with data-driven insights to support their investment in premium hydration stations and report back to key stakeholders, including sponsors seeking a return on investment. Datacake has been instrumental in helping us achieve this at high-profile events like Formula 1.”


2024 Australian Open: Wallop Water Showcases Eco-Impact in Real-Time

At the 2024 Australian Open, Wallop Water proudly showcased its commitment to sustainability with a cutting-edge presence. 
They deployed an impressive sustainability dashboard that provided real-time data, captivating spectators and participants alike. The dashboard displayed crucial environmental metrics, including the total amount of water consumed on the courts, the total amount of oil and single-use plastic bottles saved from the environment, and the total reduction in CO2 emissions
This initiative not only highlighted Wallop Water's innovative approach to environmental responsibility but also enhanced the event's sustainability profile, making a significant impact on the perception of eco-friendly practices in sports.

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Choosing Datacake: A Strategic Decision

Wallop Water selected Datacake as their IoT platform due to its comprehensive and flexible features that perfectly aligned with the company’s operational requirements. The decision was driven by several factors crucial for a small but expanding business. Datacake's no-cost setup and ability to add 5 devices for free significantly lowered the barriers to entry, making it an attractive option for cost control.
Furthermore, the platform’s open compatibility with various device types ensured that Wallop Water was not locked into any specific vendor, providing the flexibility to adapt as technology evolved.
The user-friendly interface of Datacake allowed Wallop Water's team, regardless of their technical skill level, to easily set up, configure, and manage their IoT devices. This was essential for maintaining the numerous hydration stations scattered throughout the event space. Datacake's robust features, including customizable dashboards, real-time alerts, and comprehensive data analytics, enabled effective monitoring and management of water consumption and system performance.Moreover, Datacake’s scalability supported Wallop Water's growth, accommodating an expanding number of hydration stations as their business needs grew. The platform’s reliability and security measures provided peace of mind, ensuring that sensitive data was protected and continuously accessible. 
Lastly, Datacake's cost-effectiveness, with its transparent pricing and flexible subscription options, allowed Wallop Water to optimize their investment without sacrificing functionality, thereby supporting their mission to deliver environmentally responsible hydration solutions efficiently.

“Clients regularly request the live monitoring and share this within their teams as the instant gratification it provides on seeing in real-time the consumption of water, single-use plastic bottles saved, Co2, oil and water from the environment.”

Results and Impact 

Implementing Datacake has led to several positive outcomes for Wallop:

  • Increased Revenue: 

    Improved operational efficiency and enhanced user experiences have led to a notable increase in revenue. The ability to provide customizable hydration solutions that align with client branding has attracted more sponsorships and partnerships, generating additional revenue streams and encouraging word-of-mouth referrals.

  • Enhanced Operational Efficiency:

    The ability to monitor water usage and system performance in real-time streamlined operations and reduced costs.

  • Superior User Experience:

     Interactive dashboards and real-time data enhanced the event experience, providing attendees and organizers with insightful data.

  • Optimized Resource Management:

    Data-driven adjustments ensured efficient water use, reducing waste and promoting sustainability.

  • Proactive Maintenance and Alerts:

     Immediate notifications of any system irregularities allowed for quick resolutions, ensuring consistent hydration service.

  • Data-Driven Strategic Planning:

    The insights gained from Datacake enabled Wallop Water and event organizers to make informed decisions about resource allocation and event logistics.

As Wallop Water continues to redefine hydration standards at major events, their use of Datacake has proven to be a cornerstone of their success. This collaboration not only elevates the event experience but also sets a benchmark in sustainability efforts within the industry. Looking ahead, Wallop Water is committed to further innovating their solutions, aiming to expand their impact and continue their vital role in promoting environmental stewardship across the globe. With each event, they move closer to a more sustainable future, demonstrating the potential of technology to drive positive change.

Project Partners

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