Datacake supports Teneo IoT Soil Moisture and Legionella Water-Flow LoRaWAN Sensors
If you are working with LoRaWAN then Datacake is an IoT Platform that has been designed especially for usage in combination with LoRaWAN Devices and LoRaWAN Network Servers such as:
- TheThingsNetwork (
- TheThingsIndustries (
- Loriot (
- ChirpStack (
- Kerlink Wanesy (
To make life with LoRaWAN easier Datacake features the following things:
- Integration for the above LoRaWAN Network Server
- Device Templates such as for Teneo IoT Sensors
- Preset Dashboards and Configuration
- Payload Decoder / Payload Decoding and preset TTN-Style JavaScript Payload Decoders
Teneo IoT Device Support
If you are working with devices from the Dutch manufacturer Teneo ( Datacake does have templates that help you get started with those devices. Each template has a Dashboard and Payload Decoders so that you can use the measurement values from your devices to make them visible on Datacake platform without any programming at all.
Datacake does support the following Devices:
- Teneo IoT Soil Moisture Sensor (
- Teneo IoT Legionella Sensor
Add your first Teneo Device without programming
To add your Teneo device on Datacake you have to create a user-account first. You can do this here:
Once done you have access to your first Workspace. Now it's time to add your first device. Simply press the "Add Device" button on top right and select "LoRaWAN". It will show you a list of available templates. Here you can search for Teneo Devices or simply select Teneo from the list of available manufacturers.
Add your LoRaWAN IoT Device on Datacake
List of available LoRaWAN Devices from Teneo
Use Datacake TTN TheThingsNetwork Integration
After selecting the Teneo Device from the list of available LoRaWAN Device templates you have to chose the LoRaWAN Network Server (or LNS). If you don't want to set up an application on TTN or don't know how to do that we've made it very simple for you here.
For each available template on Datacake we do provide an Application on TTN (TheThingsNetwork). So if you have a TTN-enabled Gateway or Network in reach or nearby you can skip the step of creating an Application on TTN as we've already done that for you.
Simply select "Datacake TTN" and enter the required DevEUI, AppKey and AppEUI that is provided with your sensors. That's all you need to do.
Select Datacake TTN LoRaWAN Network Server to skip creation of an TTN Application
Enter DevEUI and Keys
More Information about Datacake LoRaWAN Integration
If you are curious about what other devices are supported and about how this works check out our documenation: